Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What's *Really* Wrong With the Economy?

John Judis, in the New Republic:

"Obama needs to tell people what’s really wrong with the economy, and what needs to be done. Otherwise, he is not doing his job.”

The problem is that he can't say what he really thinks, which is that the government needs to spend a Ton More Money, and that the fair thing to do is just confiscate it from People Who Don't Really Need It.  The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, he probably thinks.

He's Baaaaaack!

(from Politico)


Oh, no:

·  Blago: I was 'bamboozled'

He is seeking a new trial, alleging judicial bias and no "presumption of innocence."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Michelle Bachmann, the Pope, and the Antichrist

Good piece on the guffaw-worthiness of journalism at the Atlantic magazine.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Walking the Beach

I spent 90 minutes or so this morning exploring the beach at La Jolla Shores with my daughter and two young boys visiting from Beijing. Normally, we go there to walk a couple brisk miles as we watch the waves roll in. Today, we were beachcombers, stopping to check out any shell, pattern of sand, flora or fauna that looked interesting. I saw several things I have never seen before.

Then it hit me: there are so many things that we "blow right by" as we live our lives. How many wonderful things are we missing because we are trying to get where we are going just a few minutes earlier?

Friday, July 15, 2011

How digital detectives deciphered Stuxnet, the most menacing malware in history

Somebody, please tell the president what bluffing is.

“Don’t call my bluff.”

-President Barack Obama, July 13, 2011


Would someone please tell Obama that if he going to bluff, he is not supposed to announce it?


What’s next?


Please don’t challenge my lie.

Why aren’t you taking my bait?

Why are you looking at me like I’m nuts?